Stick Stone and Bone Crystals in NYC

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Stick Stone & Bone, 111 Christopher St.
While you are in Greenwich Village in NYC, don't forget to stop by the crystal shop: Stick, Stone and Bone, that has graced 111 Christopher Street for almost 17 years. It's a fantastic little crystal shop with a big selection of the most powerful crystals in NYC.

From ancient times, precious and semi-precious stones have fascinated cultures all over the Earth. Not only is it their physical beauty that attracts us, but mystics and shamans from all cultures, have known of their healing qualities and powers for thousands of years.

We use crystals in our radios and computers. As the knowledge of physics expands, the concept that the world we live in, is a world of energy that vibrates at certain frequencies and creates the world we perceive with our physical senses, has fortunately started to filter down to our mainstream perceptions of reality.

Some with more simplistic sensibilities, project the idea that crystals and stones contain "magical" properties. The truth is that each crystal and stone is a receiver, transmitter and amplifier of frequency; each one tuned into its own special frequency or frequencies. It is nice to know there are physically manifested amplifiers the hold frequencies that assist us, heal us and reboot our connection on our journeys on this Earth plane and beyond. Crystals and stones are our true allies.

Stick, Stone & Bone gives you the experience of walking into a magical cave where crystals and dream-catchers line the walls and wonderful scents uplift a weary New York spirit. The staff are all crystal experts or empaths which makes walking into this store like an experience of walking into an alternate dimension in the middle of Greenwich Village. It is rare to find a crystal store where each and every stone or crystal maintains its integrity of frequency, but the specimens here are hand-picked and maintained and loved by the owners and staff. Their guidance is just as precious as the precious stones the store displays.

You can pick up all the free magazines (New York Spirit, Creations Magazine, New York Naturally, New York Open Center Catalogue) for the spiritually minded in New York before you walk out the door.
Don’t forget a smudge stick before you go.

For more info: Stick, Stone and Bone

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